Sunday, March 25

Iron Chefs

What you are viewing here is two Iron Chefs. Why are we Iron Chefs, you ask?
Because Melissa Cripe and Heather Leith make a mean Easy Bake cake + cookies.

We were just looking in Melissa's garage for a craft to do. We were feeling creative. But HARK! What do we find? An Easy Bake Oven from 1997! YESS! Inside the dusty box, we found four little mixes- yellow cake, chocolate frosting, sugar cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. We got right down to business.After some hard labor, this was our product:
That's right. The yellow and brown blob on the right is a sugar cookie with chocolate frosting. The Beauty in the middle is a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. And the pile on the left WAS a chocolate chip cookie that the Iron Chefs so masterly shaped into a star, but Iron Chef Number One's dog ate it.

Anytime you need some catering for a know who to call.


rachel kalei. said...

oh. im embarassed.

rachel kalei. said...

that actually looks really gross. we have better ones whilts autumn and carson and lukie were sleeping.

E.Money said...

i got an Easy Bake Oven when I was 10..and then I broke it the first time I tried to use it. Evidently you aren't supposed to leave the rubber spatula in the oven or it "melts"...