Monday, November 12

I'm back and I'm cooler than ever (isn't that a song?)

Chi Alpha. In the mountains. Amazing.

The weekend involved>>>
>having an isolated cabin that was totally freaky to walk to at night
>giant man-eating squirrels
>getting the wind knocked out of me by a baseball bat to the stomach (awkward, startling, painful, embarrassing)
>life-changing workshops and speakers
>amazing devotionals
>moving worship
>freezing my butt off
>dry mozzarella sticks
>meeting new friends
>growing closer to old ones
>taking pictures (with other people's cameras...)
>delicious food
>looking like crap daily
>larson ishii trying to woo me with poems and apple cider
>infinite awkward moments
>figuring out that a certain someone in my cabin thinks jason is hot (one of the awkward moments)
>discovering new things about myself and God
>a nice long bus ride nap



rachel kalei. said...

yay! you are going to tell me more about this at school.

being wooed by larson ishii?
sounds interesting

Jordan said...

Hahaha perfectly explained! I loved Chi alpha yayy!

Anonymous said...

nice sounds fun!

and yes Heathdoggay-dawg, you need to elaborate more tomorrow--ill be waiting!

Anonymous said...

so, did larson ever end up giving u the apple cider?
at least u tagged him twice during tag... that was considerate