Tuesday, June 19

My Brother Filmed This Whilst In Africa. He then ate what you see here. He then edited this in America.

WARNING: If you get queasy, don't watch this.
If you don't get queasy...cover your eyes.
I had to watch this three times before I could uncover my eyes.
It's truly GROSS.


Anonymous said...

I watched this happening. In person. Gross.

.Kayla Rae

Heather Leith said...


Nuh uh...

Anonymous said...

Yes I really did. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. Yet surprisingly, I couldn't look away.

.Kayla Rae

Heather Leith said...

Wait. you were there on this very goat death? or a similar one?

Anonymous said...

A similair one. Sorry, Confusing.

.Kayla Rae

Christine.Marie said...

Ok honestly, Heather, how is this entertaining?
As soon as they cut its throat I closed the screen and ran from my computer. Not that running would even do anything.

Now I am scarred for life.

jessie estupinan said...


Marta :] said...

ummm i really dont know what to say now, i had to fast forward through some parts this was just sad and gross.

rachel kalei. said...


Aaron McRoberts said...

Am I the only one who thought this was funny?

Kinda made me hungry too...

mmmm... lamb chops!

(or goat)

elise! said...

i saw christine's comment about being scarred for life and i was too scared to watch it.

i agree with the gross part.

entertaining, not so much...

joanna (: said...

i almost cried.
even though i saw this whole thing before unedited.

danya genevieve said...

basically, i also almost cried.
i'm appalled.
what's the story behind this?
i feel vomit
what is the menaing of this?
why did ryan film it?
i can't even fathom..no, i am speechless.