Friday, May 25

Oh, Musical Theatre Village...

How I miss you. How I aspire to do shows at you again. How I loved your performance of Peter Pan tonight. How surprised was I when my friend Allison Heer randomly shows up onstage as an indian...RANDOM? How I dream of being up on that minuscule stage once again, in the tiny limelight...

How I wish my dream would come true.

(It probably will. I will probably try out for the beloved MTV once again, after many a moon.)


joanna (: said...

Yes. Allison Heer was an indian.


Heather Leith said...

YES! HIM AND HIS SON! Doi, he was there...Hook is his dream role. We asked him about it and he was like "I SHOULD BE UP THERE!"

We conversed. I think they are going to do a show there. I AM SO DOING IT WITH THEM.