Tuesday, November 4

it was almost the perfect day...

- it was cold and rainy in the morning
- i wore a big sweatshirt and my newly repaired favorite jeans (my mother patched them up!) and some lovely Toms.
- it was chilly, but not absolutely freezing
- i was all cozy in all of my classes
- i got a good grade on a Spanish vocab test which i studied for for five minutes right before we took it!
- we are doing a Christmas Carol in Drama 2, and i am Francis, who is the girl version of Fred, who is Scrooge's niece who wishes him a Merry Christmas and invites him over for dinner and helps change his Christmas spirit and such. Anyway, we got our scripts today...i have giant chunks of inspirational Christmas dialogue...sure to be fun.
- we made those balloon racecars in physics...ours is named the Messiah- "it has come to save the world from sin and darkness."
- daylight savings time, how i love that darn time change. we all get an extra hour of sleep!
- i was really optomistic the entire day, it was just great!
- melissa gave me the new ingrid michaelson cd, which i am listening to right now. i love that woman.
-tomorrow is LATE START...praise Him.
-tomorrow is also our last performance of Cinderella...which is sad. but i'm excited to embrace my British mouse persona one last time.

the only negative thing was that it was SUNNY at snack...it almost ruined my whole day, but then the clouds came back. yes.

thank you, gloomy day, for making me cheerful.


rachel kalei. said...

really? i did have high expectations for today. i thought it would rain all day. much to my dismay, it wasn't raining at all. it wasn't even cold. and it's supposed to be in the high 80s on friday. so, today did not make me cheerful in the least bit.


meg. said...

Hey hey! It rained here too! But it was so miserably cold. If it is going to be that cold, it should just snow.
Anywho, Once again, :)
For serious? I know i have a great relationship with God, actually most LDS people do.
Oh, you probably don't know, i'm not sure if i have explained or not, seminary is just bible study during school, sort of. We learn about Christ, it is quite pleasant.
The door to door thing. We call them missionaries, i'm not sure what other religions call them. I don't look down upon it, it is quite fasinating to me. Though i am strong in my faith, i like learning about other faiths.
I want to know all your takes on everything. I know you love God, i can see that in your posts.
And of course, a question for you; Is there quite a few mormon kids in your school?