Wednesday, February 6

Excellent Quotes from the Past Couple of Days

>>You can STOP. Okay? -Mrs. Farley, to Joanna

>>You're like a punk Britney Spears!! -Chauna Goldberg

>>It's called DEDUCTING. -Mrs. Tapia

>>Danya like, waddles. -Mr. Sautner

>>I am an MUN addict. -Isadora Lamego

>>What's your life theme song? -Yours Truly
...Everybody Dance Now. -Isadora Lamego

>>You're 891 million off. -Heather Leith, when Mrs. Farley told us that the number of Hindus in the world was 9 million, then decided it was really 900 million.

>>Oh, is it nine accrosst?
-Mrs. Farley
No, but it's nine ACROSS. -Heather Leith in her mind

>>I dubiously read the Qu'ran. -JP Prezziosi

>>'re slapping me with your microphone. -Isadora Lamego

>>Keithy, you're gonna be my valentine! -Jezaniah

>>I don't go to the bathroom with boys. -Muah

>>Excuse me? You just sat on my corndog. -Heather Leithal


Anonymous said...

JPP! ..." A-laan..." oh good times good times

Anonymous said...

You still get my vote for "Funniest Leith Family Member," no matter what Ryan says.


Anonymous said...

You forgot Andrew Jackson’s Big Block of Cheese with nary a macaroni in sight.