It becomes more of a reality when you have an end of the summer party.
But it was really fun. The PAR-TAY was for the HSM Band.
Destination 1: Bowling.
I only got one picture...
of the lovely Jessica and Rachel.
At Saddleback Lanes, they have this game where you can win an iPod. You have to press a button and make these squares stack up all the way to the top. It cost one whole dollar.
First, Jason played. He almost won. But he didn't.
Then, Jessica played...five times. Once, she was ONE STEP away from winning...but she didn't. So she kept going until I told her to stop wasting her moolah.
Basically, I sucked at the actual game (of bowling.) My score was like, 33 or something.
Destination 2: Ruby's at the mall.
What fun. For the very very first time, I got something other than the macaroni and cheese, which is my default choice at most restaurants. I got a De"lite"ful Burger. Quite good.
We then got to shop around for a half an hour. I POWER SHOPPED with Rachel and Jessica at Forever21. In 8 minutes, I found 2 items, tried them on, purchased them, and walked to PF Changs to meet the rest of the group.
THIS is what I got,

I liiiike.
Destination 3: Cherry On Top.
Phenomenal. My new after school destination, since it's right next to Trabuco.
It's a self-serve frozen yogurt place, right where Juice Stop used to be.
You pick a delicious flavor (I chose Mango), put toppings on (I chose raspberry's, strawberries, pineapples, and cantaloupe), and then you weight it, and it's 33 cents per ounce.
WAY better than Golden Spoon.
WAY WAY WAY better.
Speaking of school (even though we weren't), it won't be bad...because Joanna and I have drama and science together! Do you know what that means? We can be lab partners (unless we chose to be with bizarre people.) Plus, Danya and Rachel are in our drama class too.
But it was really fun. The PAR-TAY was for the HSM Band.
Destination 1: Bowling.
I only got one picture...
At Saddleback Lanes, they have this game where you can win an iPod. You have to press a button and make these squares stack up all the way to the top. It cost one whole dollar.
First, Jason played. He almost won. But he didn't.
Then, Jessica played...five times. Once, she was ONE STEP away from winning...but she didn't. So she kept going until I told her to stop wasting her moolah.
Basically, I sucked at the actual game (of bowling.) My score was like, 33 or something.
Destination 2: Ruby's at the mall.
What fun. For the very very first time, I got something other than the macaroni and cheese, which is my default choice at most restaurants. I got a De"lite"ful Burger. Quite good.
We then got to shop around for a half an hour. I POWER SHOPPED with Rachel and Jessica at Forever21. In 8 minutes, I found 2 items, tried them on, purchased them, and walked to PF Changs to meet the rest of the group.
THIS is what I got,
Destination 3: Cherry On Top.
Phenomenal. My new after school destination, since it's right next to Trabuco.
It's a self-serve frozen yogurt place, right where Juice Stop used to be.
You pick a delicious flavor (I chose Mango), put toppings on (I chose raspberry's, strawberries, pineapples, and cantaloupe), and then you weight it, and it's 33 cents per ounce.
WAY better than Golden Spoon.
WAY WAY WAY better.
Speaking of school (even though we weren't), it won't be bad...because Joanna and I have drama and science together! Do you know what that means? We can be lab partners (unless we chose to be with bizarre people.) Plus, Danya and Rachel are in our drama class too.
I still stand by Yogurtland.
& it's 30 cents instead of 33 cents.
& you can choose however many flavors you want. It is just all around bettter, I promise you.
My favorite is the mango with raspberries! Delish.
delicious delicious
oh and drama shall be fun
i wanna go there. your so lucky you have classes with people. I HAVE NO ONE. exept you of course, who is only in my p.e. period
YOGURTLAND > cherry on top.
No no no no no no no no no Jo. I went to Cherry On Top and i just got the samples and they were delish. I fully stand by Cherry On Top.
YogurtLand sounds so old and gross.
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