Wednesday, July 18

I've Joined the Club.

The Harry Potter Club. That's right. Give me a satin robe, give me a ceremony. I have come to my senses.

I have seen the first two movies. But I didn't have any passion for them. But today, my familia is going to see Harry Potter #5. Last night, something magical happened inside me. Something just clicked. I wanted to see numbers 3 and 4. I mean, you can't just go see the latest one if you haven't seen 3 and 4!!? Right?

So we scouted for numbers 3 and 4 on DVD. But, Overgaard is a TINY town. So the chances were slim. We found #4 in a small convenience store, but 3 was nowhere to be found. I was forced to do something bad. Something really bad.

I had to read an online summary of #3 and have Carson explain it in depth to me so I was prepared to see 4 & 5. I know, I know. I have broken all rules of Harry Potter. I should just crawl into a hole and live with badgers. But I had to do it. I had no other options.

So I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night. It was scary. But really good. But really confusing. But really amazing.

So I am now pumped to see Harry Potter and....I forgot the subtitle. But I am READY.

I am such a geek. But I pride myself.


E.Money said...

hooray!!! :)

kayla rae said...

You aren't a geek until you have read all of the books multiple times.

Dang, that's me.

ali said...

it's okay kayla, i have too.
let's have a harry potter party when you come home!!

danya genevieve said...


and i forgive you for breaking the rules. you had an excuse(:

elise! said...

Heather!!!!! this is soooo dang exciting!!!

i absoultley love harry potter.

and heather, it's ok. my mom just started reading the books sunday and i very confused and anxious so i kinda explained a lot to her...


joanna (: said...

you need to read the books, my friend. way better than the movies

Heather Leith said...

i know. i am planning to.

rachel kalei. said...

what the heck...

i fell betrayed, left out, and disrespected.

i'm not in the bracies club OR the Harry potter club. danggg.

p.s. i just saw Clinton Kelly comeenting on VH1's 80's songs. he did a jig. oh i love you Clint.

joanna (: said...

Clinton Kelly is da bomb. that's the only description for him.