Sunday, April 4

Happy Jonas Day! I mean...Easter

fact: i went through a JoBro phase in ninth grade. i was OBSESSED. i kept it a secret, though, so it's kind of a little known fact. because i realized that they were cheesy and i only told people if they said that they liked them first. liking the jonas brothers was like a secret society of shame.

fact: the Jonas Brothers played at Saddleback's Easter service at Angels Stadium.

fact: i was really excited. because a part of my freshman love with them still lingers in my heart.

fact: i was two rows away from the place they entered and exited, and sat directly across from where they sat before they played (connections.) so i kind of watched them the whole time.

fact: this makes me a creepy stalker.

fact: my hands were shaking when they came out.

fact: this was a problem because i was taking a video with my mom's camera and pictures with mine.

fact: i still find them attractive.

fact: these beaut photos were taken by jordan gunderson!

fact: they almost had a meet-n-greet for staff's kids (that's me) but then they cancelled it.....guys. my life's DREAM was to meet them. i would fantasize about shaking their hands when i was a baby freshman. DANG IT! i would try to think of ways that i could make them remember me, like saying an original comment that they've never heard....i could never think of anything though. and that's still the case. i would be too nervous if i met them. i'd stutter, no doubt. i've been having a stutter problem lately. it's so sad.

fact: joe waved to me after i eagerly waved to him for 10 seconds. he was kind of annoyed. but he pity-waved. still a direct acknowledgment, though, so i'm satisfied. the picture below is that very moment---fact: i am an embarrassment.


Anonymous said...

Happy Jonas Day indeed!! Glory be not to God the Father but to being entertained and Jonas providing it. Wonderful Disney love song....great for the worship of our one holy God. I am sure he was deeply honored. Really how can this be worship? Just wondering?

Heather Leith said...

hi anonymous,
the reason they brought the jonas brothers was simply to get people to come. i am not neccessarily agreeing with that method of bring people to Christ but i see why they did it. and the jobros played their own songs, not worship songs. it wasn't meant to be worship, just fun at the end of the service. (:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so you get the people there and they learn that church service (not worship service?) is about being entertained. Who is worshiping? The unsaved? (scripture says nope) So the end justifies the unbiblical means. It makes church just like the world. Why go to a movie on Sunday when you can just go to the local church entertainment event.