Sunday, March 21

i am yacht even kidding.

(scroll down and read the post first!)

here's the limo that picked us up...we all kind of freaked out.

here's the birthday girl!
these are someone else's pictures which is why i'm not in them.
but here is the middle level of the boat.

as soon as i heard that the invitations were on velvet scrolls i knew that i had to be a part of it. not just any party. last night i attended the biggest party to hit trabuco hills high school, and possibly south orange county. this girl (whom no one really knew) had a sweet sixteen yacht party. a YACHT party! it was just like MTV's My Super Sweet 16. let me just give you the vital stats of the event:
-- bouncers at the entrance with a guest list
-- hummer limos picked up every single group of people and brought them to the boat dock.
-- hundreds of kids were in attendance
-- party girl made an entrance in an old luxury car
-- we were handed glasses of sparkling cider as soon as we boarded
-- a three-level yacht that set sail from 4-10:30
-- personalized M&M's. some said "sweet sixteen," some said the girl's name
-- waiters with trays of hors d'oeuvres
-- these strawberries
-- a giant cake with a big, diamond "N" on the top
-- make-your-own pasta that was grilled by waiters
-- extravagant place settings/centerpieces
-- drink bar where you could order "nicole's pomegranate sour" or a variety of other drinks
-- top level of the yacht: dance floor with a DJ and flat-screen DVDs with music videos
-- giant ice sculpture: a horse and a sweet 16 sign
-- sushi bar
-- smoothie bar
-- party girl changed into 3 different gowns
-- photographers and video guys everywhere
-- red carpet with a backdrop that said "nicole's sweet 16" that we could take pictures in front of
-- goody bags (more like DUFFEL bags) that had her initials and "sweet sixteen: endless dreams" embroidered on the outside, filled with personalized clocks, picture frames, game sets, metal bookmarks, sewing kit, and a bag of those personalized M&M's.
-- the limos took us back to our houses.

ummm. you don't do that. it was so so fun and we were all on cloud 9 the whole night, in awe of this girl. what a....provided for kid.
but it was honestly the best night of my life and i'm glad i weeded my way in, even though i wasn't even invited. gotta love the OC life. (...kidding)


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chase parker said...

you've already worn that dress before. way to be original.

Shannon said...

uh, HOW is this real??????????????

Anonymous said...

some advice needed:
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a condo I'min the process of buying.
Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the bestplace to buy these? I live in Philly and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:

much appreciated

[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
