Saturday, March 6

dates that are up

also known as, updates.

-- i am a really good roller skater
-- today i looked at college websites all day and i got even more excited to graduate. there are so many great options out there! now, what to choose...
-- give me your input: take a math senior year, or no?
-- planners are the best, especially ones that inspire you to plan.
-- okay, so you know that the Jonas Brothers are playing at my church's Easter Service at Angel Stadium, right? or maybe you didn't. now you know. ridiculous, i am aware, but i am still excited nonetheless. you see, freshman year, i went through a JoBro phase where i was OBSESSSSED with them. and part of that love still lingers, a tiny tiny part. SO today when i was informed that my church band is PLAYING outside of the stadium at the service as people are walking in, i got so so excited. this means we are one step closer to getting backstage passes and meeting the men that captured my heart two years ago. i really really hope it happens.
-- my whole midsection is still in pain from doing 30 situps on wednesday for PE. as in, four days ago. i need some work.
-- speaking of work...i have a spiritual interview for my job at saddleback on wednesday! i applied in august, and i am just about to start working. goodness. so long. but i'm real excited.
-- i am thinking of doing ASB next year. i am aware that this will make me an ASB kid and therefore scorned upon by many people, but i don't care because the people in it are going to be so great next year and it'll make my year so much more memorable.

that's all i have for you. you're welcome.


Annie said...

what is ASB?

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

chase parker said...

you're playing with tho jobros??!!? wow. soo lucky. whoever told you that news is freaking awesome.

Heather Leith said...

annie- asb is associated student body, it's a program at my school where students lead everyone and plan activities and dances and stuff.

Annie said...

oh okay, :)
we have that in aus, but it's called scr (student representative council) but here, you aren't cool unless you're in it. haha.

Marilyn Paul said...

Hi Heather - you're cool in my books - no matter what! Love reading about your trip to LA....but LA isn't very far, right? Now if I came to LA it would be FAR, and I wish I could come. Can't tho. love ya, gr ma

Heather Leith said...

asb IS "cool," i guess, i just don't want to be labeled as someone who thinks they're cool for being in asb. haha or maybe i overthink things.

Annie said...

no, i completely get what you mean. exactly the reason i haven't ever been in scr.
but its a good idea - if you know you're going to enjoy it, who cares what people think? it's your senior year!

VAEnilla. said...

i'm going to say no to taking math senior year .. i'm in statistics right now and it's just unnecessary work. /:

Heather Leith said...

thank you veigh. all my mind needed was one confirmation.