Saturday, August 1

i am 4 posts away from post #700.

goodness, have i really been rambling on this thing for that long?
well i would just like to share with the 5 of you that still read my blog that having a license is absolutely wonderful.
i have only driven alone twice...but those 2 times were pure bliss. and just knowing that i can drive myself anywhere i want is so great.

the first time i drove by myself was the 1 mile to melissa's house. i got in my mom's car and started driving out of my neighborhood, and i'm not gonna lie...i thought i was really cool. melissa was sitting on her doorstep when i pulled up, and she screamed and we sat in the driveway for a while talking about how great it was that i was a free woman.

then i drove a whole 5 minutes to RSM town hall for a surprise birthday party. and then i drove home. i felt like i was doing something wrong the whole i was not allowed to be on the roads. BUT I WAS.

and then today i drove myself to and from church. gosh this is great. my life begins now, complete with jangly keys.


meg. said...

isn't it great?
oh the thrills of being 16, and legal.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, it' amazing to think that you are DRIVING a car! Good for you and drive safely! love ya and want you around!! gr ma