Tuesday, October 21

maybe i should switch from journalism to psychology?

Fact # 374 about Heather Leith: I love learning about psychology- how our brains work, what dreams mean, etc...I also love learning more about myself through personality tests, like what color represents my personality, what career is right for me according to my persona, on and on. I could take personality tests for hours. And when my brother got his textbook for psych, I read it for like an hour. The human brain just intrigues me so so much.

Just thought I'd share...


Michael Mountain said...

Yes. Do it at some point in high school. (I'm not, but ya know. One can dream.)

Shannon said...

oh my gosh me too

yazz said...

take this advice seriously: stick to journalism. your love for magazines and writing and layouts will serve you well. from a psychology major that loves Jesus: psychology sucks. it's totally interesting, and great to learn, but after a while, it sucks.

rachel kalei. said...

you are seriously considering switching to psychology? don't.