Wednesday, July 25

It's like a new room. Oh wait, it kind of is.

I deep cleaned my dwelling today.

Time: 2 hours, 47 minutes
Results: One full trash bag, one organized room, two happy parents, one satisfied child
There is still work to do on the decorating and stuff, but it's CLEAN!


joanna (: said...

wowowo it looks so good!
i'm proud
the cleaning job looks like the works of melissa nicole cripe.

rachel kalei. said...

YOU GOT A NEW BED?!??!!? THIS IS FOR REALSIES HEATH. YOU GAVE ME NO HINT OF THIS! NO POSTCARD, NO CALL (even though you can't call cause my phone is broken) NOT EVEN A SMIDGEN OF COMMUNICATION. it looks soosososososoososo amazing. i looove it heather.

joanna (: said...


Anonymous said...

Heather, when i first saw it, i thought it was a picture of a room you liked on the internet- and i loved it. i love it even more due to the fact that its yours, done by the hands of Heather Leith. love love love it. you done good girl!